Hollyweed Delta 8 Dosage Charts

How Much Delta 8 should I take exactly?

Do you want to know how much Delta-8 you should take? Let's take the guess work out for you. Take this quick quiz to find out! 

Which Delta 8 product is right for you?

With so many different products to choose from which one is right for you? Take this product quiz to find out!

Delta-8 Dosage Chart

Delta-8 Gummies

1 gummy = 25mg
1/2 gummy = 12.5mg1 gummy = 25mg2 gummies = 50mg
1 gummy = 50mg
1/2 gummy = 25mg1 gummy = 50mg2 gummies = 150mg
delta-8 thc oil dosage chart

Delta-8 Oil

160 lbs40mg of CBD = 20 Drops80 mg of CBD = 40 drops
200 lbs50mg of CBD = 25 Drops100mg of CBD = 50 drops
240 lbs60mg of CBD = 30 Drops120mg of CBD = 60 drops
280 lbs70mg of CBD = 35 Drops140mg of CBD = 80 drops
320 lbs80mg of CBD = 40 Drops160mg of CBD = 100 drops

Delta-8 Softgels

1 soft gel = 10mg
1 soft gel = 10mg2 soft gels = 20mg
1 soft gel = 25mg
1 soft gel = 25mg2 soft gels = 50mg
1 soft gel = 50mg
1 soft gel = 50mg2 soft gels
delta-8 softgels dosage chart

Delta 8 Dosage Chart

Basic Guidelines:

We generally recommend between 10 mg (Regular Dose) to 100 mg (Strong Dose).


Delta 8 Dosage Chart

To ensure you have the best Delta 8 experience imaginable, you want to get the right dose, but how much is right for you? Our Delta 8 Dosage Chart has all the answers! Determining the proper dose of Delta 8 depends on many factors, including the Delta 8 product in question, your own biology, and your personal preferences.


We always encourage people to start with low doses to determine how they react to Delta 8. You may have a lower tolerance than you realize! It’s easy to increase your dose as you go, but you can’t undo what’s already happened. Now, let’s get into the details.


What Amount of Delta 8 Should You Take?

Your correct dosage of Delta 8 THC depends on a number of factors, including:

  • Type of D8 product (flower, gummy, vape, etc.)
  • Your body weight
  • Your age
  • Your metabolism
  • Your tolerance level
  • When you last ate
  • Medications you take
  • Your desired results


Some of these, like your age and when you last ate, are so simple, you might wonder why we bother bringing them up. Other factors are more complex. You may need to consult a doctor for accurate information about your metabolism, and if you aren’t used to taking Delta 8, your tolerance level could be a total mystery.


To be on the safe side, we recommend starting low. A single dose could range from 10 mg for newcomers to 150 mg for those with a high tolerance. Start on the small side, then gradually increase the dose until you feel the desired effects. Looking for other cannabinoids? Read more here: Edible Dosage Chart Weight Calculator

No. Delta 8 and CBD both come from hemp plants, but they have very different effects. D8 has a more noticeable effect than CBD, and they impact the body in different ways. If you are used to CBD, we do not recommend taking the same amount of D8 on your first try. Consider your D8 dose independently.

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